2 Stewart Window (2004)

2 Stewart Window, video projection installation and whistlers, Kensington Market, Toronto, 1 hr.
Documentation 26 sec.

This is the first of many videos I would project onto my studio apartment window for an outdoor audience. In retrospect, it was the beginning of the Lighthouse. The projected video is one hour of real-time,  unedited footage taken of a window view from a friend’s studio apartment at 2 Stewart Street in Toronto: a parking lot light shining through sumac trees in the wind. This was the picturesque urban window view from a downtown artist studio warehouse building slotted for demolition to be replaced with condos (a sad and common affliction in Toronto). The building is gone, but the window view remains and sits in my window so that it may be remembered and shared with others . The Porch Whistlers (a group of people who whistle on urban doorsteps and porches) provide the eerily beautiful soundtrack for the resurrected view.