The Migration Stops Here, video and animation, silent, 41 min. Part of the exhibition A Canadian Bestiary, Gardiner Museum, Toronto, 2017.
The Migration Stops Here speaks to the obstacles of migrating Canada geese such as hunting, destruction of habitat and the lure of human environments. These creatures are tragic: they are both the bait and the catch for hunters who lie in wait—their vulnerability manifested in their bodies.
This video is part of Janet Macpherson’s migration themed ceramic installation in the exhibition A Canadian Bestiary pictured below.
Zugunruhe, video installation, silent, 16 sec. looped. Part of the exhibition A Canadian Bestiary, Gardiner Museum, Toronto, 2017.
Zugunruhe: German for migratory restlessness. Migratory birds will exhibit physical anxiety during spring and fall migrations periods if they are kept from migrating. This video installation is part of Janet Macpherson’s migration themed ceramic installation in the exhibition A Canadian Bestiary.
“Understanding the biological clocks that determine when birds migrate and reproduce” by Penn State Research Communications is licensed by CC BY 2.0 / modified from original.